
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Law-The Law, What does It Mean?

One source defines "a law" as a binding custom or practice of a community: a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority.  The source goes further by stating that "the law is the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules. This is the definition given by Merriam-Webster'sDictionary

One standing before a judge in a court of law might find that source to be a little weak given his or her circumstance. Why?  In a court of law one must understand the concept of "authority."  For this post lets define "authority" as what the court follows or agrees upon as carrying weight.
If one wants to proceed to court with definitions of words, terms or phrases holding weight in court, he or she will need a copy of the heavy legal dictionary that is recognized by most courts as the authority on definitions of words, terms and phrases.  That would be Blacks LawDictionary.  This source can be purchased on the web by clicking the link and it is available at most public libraries and at your local law library as well.

Black's Law Dictionary in my opinion is the more recognized and cited dictionary, but there's others such as Ballentines Law Dictionary which you will find cited along with Black's in some case law. These legal dictionaries give several definitions for the law. I have found that the simplest to set to memory is: "The law is a combination of Constitutions, Statutes, Regulations and Decisional Case Law."

Please join me in the next posting where we will continue defining "a law" and "the law."
Thank you, EDH Pro Se

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